In Summer 2022, I wrote a story based on my college experience and turned it into a short film called RAIN. Because the story is quite personal and unique, I decided to have myself acting in it instead of casting someone else. 
Plot Summary: The setting was my 20th birthday, when I experienced an extreme downfall in my life and almost went depressed due to numerous reasons. However, the bay area (where I lived) was having much more rain than ever before, unexpectedly. I personally enjoy when it rains, thus, being alone at my apartment did not make me feel lonely anymore. Instead, the rain had sparked & inspired me musically -- through the sound of raindrops which created a unique melody. Eventually, music lightened up my life and brought me much more happiness.
During the story-making and film-making process, I learned so much about storytelling, the power of film language, and how to convey a story without voice. I also practiced script-writing and the use of sounds and multi-media. Cannot successfully bring this to life without an awesome team, so special thanks to Renton Ling (Director, Videographer and Co-Editor) and Patrick Warren (Instructor of Design for Communications Class at NYU Tisch). 

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