06/2020 - 07/2020 (4 weeks)
Individual project
Project Overview
2020, the year of COVID-19, we have all been experiencing strange and difficult times and most of us have been required to "shelter-in-place" for a long duration of time; that is, to stay home except for crucial activities such as exercising and grocery shopping. I decided to re-imagine the existing grocery-delivery mobile app, Instacart. In this redesign, I developed a new feature where users can input their membership account at certain stores to receive item discounts and a more personalized shopping experience.

Part I. Discover

For user interviews, I talked to 2 people that were sheltering-in-place in the U.S. The first one is an elder, who lives with her daughters and grandsons (9 people in a household). The second one is a mid-age language teacher, who lives with her husband & daughter and was working from home remotely. I developed empathy maps (1 for each person) to summarize my interview findings.
Key Insights
- Groceries run out quickly during shelter-in-place, especially for those that live with a large family.
- People tend to purchase a lot of groceries all at once, to avoid having to go to grocery stores frequently. But they can’t always get all they need because there can be out-of-stock issues.
- At grocery stores, wearing masks for a long period of time is uncomfortable.
- COVID-19 brings lots of fear, concern, and anxiety to people. so for healthy & safety purposes, some people are worried about going out.
- For certain grocery delivery apps, such as Instacart, users couldn’t apply their membership for more benefits.
Final Needs Statement: During COVID-19, people need an efficient & convenient way to purchase groceries because going to grocery stores raises concerns and they want to stay healthy & safe.
Using these findings & insights, I then created a persona to identify and to empathize with the user type, to better illustrate their goals, needs, and pain points.

Part II. Define

After gaining insights into the problem, I want to determine the area to focus on. I chose to re-imagine the existing grocery delivery app: Instacart. First, I wanted to know how the users experience the product today, so I developed a user flow that shows the current interactions between users and the product, specifically showing the steps that a user takes in order to complete an order checkout.
Areas to improve
- Adding a new step for membership info input after selecting a specific store 
- Two personalized lists will be shown on the “your items” page (recently bought & mostly bought) 
- Users with membership can view the items with member discounts on the “shop” page 
- Optimize checkout process – select delivery/pickup, enter address or pickup time before “checkout” and only enter payment info & other personal details after clicking “checkout”
I reflected these changes into a re-imagined, future user flow - changes are highlighted in yellow.
I also created an information architecture (IA map) to show the relation & hierarchy of the screens/content in the re-imagined version of the mobile app.
Part III. Develop

Initial Wireframe

Feedback from usability testing on the initial wireframe:
- User interaction issue
After the user pressed the “+” button when adding the grocery item, he asked: “am I able to add 2 of them, how do I change the quantity?” And the user didn’t see the reflection on the cart icon after adding the item.
What I changed: create a new page showing the interaction when users add an item, which would also allow them to change the desired quantity.
- Functionality
The user mentioned that the “your items” page was a little hidden, and wanted it to be shown earlier on, as a way to look at past purchases and to quickly order what was last purchased or most often purchased. She also asked: “If I did enter my membership info, perhaps there might be some personalization that shows up on the next screen? For example, a welcome with my name?“
What I changed: adding a welcome screen right after the membership input page. On the welcome screen, users have the option to directly proceed to the “your items” page for quick order.

Updated Wireframe

Visual Comps

Part IV. Deliver

A short PowerPoint presentation

Interactive prototype modeled in Figma

This is the first UX design class I took, and the first UX design project I accomplished & by myself. I learned so much about design thinking, user research, and UI design. Some important skills I gained from this project are 1) developed skills in Figma, 2) going through an entire process from discovering the problem to delivering the solutions. I also learned a lot of design principles such as consistency, inclusiveness, accessibility, and comprehension. As my first time creating empathy maps, persona, user flows, IA map, and wireframe, I realized that it is very important for designers to always prioritize users' needs, show empathy towards their users, and actively ask for feedback while doing design iterations. Cognitive bias is a huge thing that exists in everyone’s mind, and almost all cognitive biases happen unconsciously. Even though it is difficult to combat, designers should be completely aware of it and try not to make any subjective assumptions.

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